2015 off with a bang...
Stranded On A Planet just underwent a studio-wide upgrade, including a new hydraulic custom made console desk, new converters, new computer, new touchscreen and doublewide monitors, and more. Head to the Equipment page to see a full list of all of the new additions. Scott is now a custom composer for Music Dealers after scoring the latest UK Schweppes commercial for Music Dealers. Scott also scored 3 short films for Facebook's 2015 F8 Developers Conference and is working on several other Facebook pieces. In addition, we are now composing a custom 60 track Malaysian World Pop Library for a major Malaysian company. Along with a host of new custom composition projects for Warner/Chappell and Beachbody, Scott just released several tutorial video series' for Groove3. So, 2015 is going to be full of great new music projects!